(Schedrin,Scadryn) Belarus
Last updated December 30, 2012
Schedrin Family Researchers
Compiled by Melissa Kaplan
Most of these individuals have registered with the Family Finders site (identified by their researcher identification number). The others were added as a result of their correspondence with SchedWeb macher. Note 1: To reduce the likelihood of email addresses being illegally harvested for spam, I have inserted an exclamation point followed by a blank space after the @ symbol in each email address. When sending an email to any of the following individuals, just use your backspace keep to delete these items. Note 2: if the email address linked to this page no longer works (after you've removed the ![space] (exclamation point and blank space) from behind the @ symbol), you can try contacting those researchers who have registered with JewishGen as a researcher; you can easily identify them in the list below because they have a number following their name. Just go to the Family Finders page, click the "Search the Database" button to bring up the search page, and enter in the following information:
This should bring you up the JewishGen list of currently registered researchers for Schedrin. Use the link provided for each researcher to send them an email via JewishGen. Note 3: If you haven't registered yourself as a researcher with JewishGen, please consider doing so. Just remember to keep your contact information updated! Note 4: Be sure to check out the material gathered over the past decades by Harry Katz and now being put online by Shedrin descendent Andrew Sverdlove at Andy's Generation to Generation site, Andy has also been compiling alternative spellings of names, and discusses name patterning at his site.
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