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Harmful & Poisonous Plants: A-GSusan M. Barnard. Reptile Keeper's Handbook. pp. 167-184. 1996. Reprinted by permission of author and Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, FL.
Abrus precatorius (CRAB'S EYE, JEQUIRITY BEAN, PRECATORY BEAN, ROSARY PEA); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. Acacia spp. (CATCLAW, GUAJILLO); foliage; plant is cyanogenetic. ACKEE (Blighia sapida); pink raphe attaching aril2 to seed, arils in immature fruit; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by toxins. Acokanthera spp. (BUSHMAN'S POISON, WINTERSWEET); seeds; cardiovascular system affected by cardiac glycosides. ACONITE (Aconitum spp.); entire plant, esp. leaves and roots; cardiovascular system affected by alkaloid toxins. Aconitum spp. (ACONITE, MONKSHOOD); entire plant, esp. leaves and roots; cardiovascular system affected by alkaloid toxins. Actaea spp. (BANEBERRY, DOLL'S EYES); foliage, berries, roots; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by the toxin protoanemonin. Adenium spp. (DESERT ROSE, MOCK AZALEA); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by digitalis-like glycosides. Adonis spp. (PHEASANT'S EYE); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by cardiac glycosides. Aesculus spp. (BUCKEYES, HORSE CHESTNUT); nuts, immature growths; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. Aethusa cynapium (FOOL'S PARSLEY, LESSER HEMLOCK); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by alkaloid toxins. Agave lecheguilla (LECHUGUILLA); plant is hepatogenic. Agrostemma githago (CORNCOCKLE, PURPLECOCKLE); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. Aleurites spp. (CANDLEBERRY, CANDLENUT, TUNG3 NUT, TUNG TREE); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins and toxalbumins. Allamanda cathartica (ALLAMANDA, CANARIO, GOLDEN TRUMPET VINE, YELLOW ALLAMANDA); bark, leaves, fruit, seeds, sap; plant contains cathartic toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. Allium spp. (CHIVES, GARLIC, LEEKS, ONIONS); bulbs, bulblets, flowers, stems; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins. Alocasia spp. (ELEPHANT'S EAR, TARO); leaves, stems; mouth irritated by plant raphides. AMARANTH (Amaranthus hybridus); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Amaranthus hybridus (AMARANTH, CARELESS WEED, TUMBLEWEED); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Amaryllis spp. (AMARYLLIS, NAKED-LADY LILLY); bulbs; gastrointestinal tract affected by alkaloid toxins. Amianthemum muscaetoxicum (FLY-POISON, STAGGERGRASS); leaves, underground parts of plant; alkaloid toxins may cause respiratory failure. Ammi majus (BISHOP'S WEED); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Amsinckia intermedia (FIDDLENECK, TARWEED); seed-like nutlets; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Anemone spp. (includes Pulsatilla spp.) (ANEMONE, PASQUE FLOWER, WINDFLOWER); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin protoanemonin; plant also causes dermatitis. ANGEL TRUMPET TREE (Brugmansia x candida); entire plant, esp. seeds; nervous system affected by belladonna alkaloids; plant contains hallucinogens. Aplopappus spp. (GOLDENRODS, JIMMY WEED, RAYLESS); leaves; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Apocynum spp. (DOGBANE, INDIAN HEMP, SPREADING DOGBANE); leaves; plant contains cardiac glycosides. APPLES (Malus spp.); seeds; plant is cyanogenetic. APRICOTS (Prunus spp.); seeds; plant is cyanogenetic. Aquilegia vulgaris (COLUMBINE); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by plant toxins. Areca catechu (ARECA PALM, BETEL NUT); entire plant. ARECA PALM (Areca catechu); entire plant. Argemone spp. (MEXICAN POPPY, PRICKLY POPPY); entire plant; isoquinoline alkaloid causes "epidemic dropsy" in humans. Arisaema spp. (GREEN DRAGON, INDIAN TURNIP, JACK-IN-THE-PULPIT); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. Arnica montana (ARNICA); rhizomes, flowers; gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system affected by plant toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. ARROWGRASS (Triglochim maritima); leaves; plant is cyanogenetic. Arum spp. (CUCKOO-PINT, ITALIAN ARUM, LORDS & LADIES); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. Asclepias spp. (MILKWEEDS, WHORLED BUTTERFLY); leaves, stems; plant contains toxic resins. Astragalus (LOCOWEEDS, POISON-VETCHES); entire plant; plant may absorb toxic levels of selenium. Atropa belladonna (BELLADONNA, DEADLY NIGHTSHADE); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids jasciamine, atropine, and belladonnin. AUTUMN CROCUS (Colchicum autumnale, other Colchicum spp.); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin colchicine and other alkaloids; plant also causes dermatitis. Avena sativa (OATS); plant is nontoxic unless contaminated with smut or fungi. AZALEAS (Rhododendron spp.); leaves, nectar; cardiovascular system affected by the resinoid andromedotoxin. BAGPOD (Sesbania spp.); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. Bahia oppositifolia (BAHIA); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic. BALSAM APPLE (Momordica balsamina); outer rind of ripe fruit, seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. BALSAM PEAR (Momordica charantia); outer rind of ripe fruit, seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. BANEBERRY (Actaea spp.); berries, roots; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by the toxin protoanemonin. BARILLA (Halogeton glomeratus); leaves, stems; plant contains soluble oxalates. BARNYARD GRASS (Echinochloa crusgalli); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. BEAD TREE (Melia azedarach); fruit, bark; plant contains convulsants. BEGGAR-TICK (Bidens frondosa); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids jasciamine, atropine, and belladonnin. BELLYACHE BUSH (Jatropha gossypiifolia); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins and cathartic oils; plant also causes dermatitis. BERMUDA BUTTERCUP, BERMUDA OXALIS (Oxalis pes-caprae); leaves; plant contains soluble oxalates. Beta vulgaris (MANGOLD, SUGAR BEET); leaves; plant contains soluble oxalates and may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Bidens frondosa (BEGGAR-TICK); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. BINDWEED (Ipomea spp.); entire plant; plant contains LSD-related hallucinogens and may contain toxic levels of nitrates. BIRD-OF-PARADISE (Caesalpinia gilliesii); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins. BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL (Lotus corniculatus); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic. BISHOP'S WEED (Ammi majus); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. BITTER GOURD (Momordica charantia); outer rind of ripe fruit, seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. BITTERSWEET (Celastrus scandens; do not confuse with Solanum dulcamara); entire plant; plant is reputed to be toxic. BITTERWEED (Helenium spp.); plant causes dermatitis. BLACK BRUSH (Flourensia cernua); fruit; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins. BLACK BRYONY (Tamus communis); toxic principles similar to Bryonia dioica. BLACK LOCUST (Robinia pseudoacacia); bark, seeds, leaves; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. BLACK NIGHTSHADE (Solanum nigrum); leaves, berries; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanin glycoalkaloids; plant also causes dermatitis. BLEEDING HEART (Dicentraformosa); entire plant, esp. bulbs; plant contains convulsants including isoquinoline; plant also causes dermatitis. Blighia sapida (ACKEE); pink raphe1 attaching aril2 to seed, arils in immature fruit; toxins affect gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. BLOODROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis); juices from stems and rootstocks cause dermatitis. BLUEBONNETS (Litpinus subcarnosus); leaves, esp. seeds; plant contains numerous alkaloid toxins including quinolizidine and piperidine. BLUE RUSH (Juncus inflexus); plant causes convulsions in cattle. BLUE TARO (Xanthosoma spp.); leaves; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. BOUNCING BET (Saponaria officinalis); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. BOX, BOXWOOD (Buxus sempervirens); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. BRACKEN FERN, BRAKE FERN (Pteridium sp.); fronds; plant contains thiaminase. Brassica spp. (CABBAGE, KALE, MUSTARD); leaves; plant is goitrogenic; may contain toxic levels of nitrates; B. napus (CULTIVATED RAPE) is hepatogenic. Bromus spp. (RESCUE GRASS, SMOOTH BROMEGRASS); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. BROOMCORN (Sorghum sp.); leaves; plant is cyanogenetic. Brugmansia x candida (ANGEL TRUMPET TREE); entire plant, esp. seeds; nervous system affected by belladonna alkaloids; plant contains hallucinogens. Bryonia dioica (DEVIL'S TURNIP, WHITE BRYONY); gastrointestinal tract affected by the glycosides bryonin and bryonidin; plant also causes dermatitis. BUCKEYES (Aesculus spp.); nuts, immature growths; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. BUCKTHORN (Karwinskia humboldtiana - do not confuse with the mildly toxic Rhamnus spp.); fruit; toxins affect nervous system. BUCKWHEAT (Fagopyrum esculentum); plant causes photosensitization and contact dermatitis. BUFFALO BUR (Solanum sp.); immature growths; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates; also causes dermatitis. BULL NETTLE (Solanum sp.); immature growths; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates; also causes dermatitis. BUNCH-GRASS (Nolina texana); foliage; hepatogenic. BUR CLOVER (Medicago denticulata); plant causes photosensitization. BURNING BUSH (Euonymus spp.); fruit; cardiovascular system affected by the glycosides evobioside, evomonoside, and evonoside. BUSHMAN'S POISON (Acokanthera spp.); seeds; cardiovascular system affected by cardiac glycosides. BUTTERCUPS (Ranunculus spp.); sap; toxin, protoanemonin, affects gastrointestinal tract and nervous system; plant also causes dermatitis. BUTTONBUSH (Cephalanthus occidentalis); entire plant, esp. leaves. Buxus sempervirens (BOX, BOXWOOD); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. CABBAGE (Brassica sp.); leaves; plant is goitrogenic. CACTI (numerous genera); certain species are toxic. Caesalpina gilliesii (BIRD-OF-PARADISE); seeds: gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins. Caladium spp. (CALADIUM, also see Xanthosoma spp.); leaves; mouth irritated by plant raphides. CALEY PEA (Lathyrus spp.); stems, seeds; nervous system affected by plant toxins. CALICO BUSH (Kalmia sp.); leaves, nectar; gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems affected by the toxins andromedotoxin and arbutin. CALIFORNIA CHICORY (Rafinesquia californica).: plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CALLA LILY (Zantedeschia aethiopica); leaves; mouth irritated by plant raphides. Calotropis spp. (CROWN FLOWER); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by cardiac glycosides. Caltha palustris (COWSLIP, MARSH MARIGOLD); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin protoanemonin; plant also causes dermatitis. CALTROP (Tribulus terrestris); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates; plant is also hepatogenic. CALYCANTH (Calycanffius spp.); seeds; cardiovascular and nervous systems affected by plant toxins. Calycanthus spp. (CALYCANTH, CAROLINA ALLSPICE); seeds; cardiovascular and nervous systems affected by plant toxins. Campsis spp. (TRUMPET VINE); plant causes dermatitis. CANADA THISTLE (Cirsium arvense); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CANARIO (Allamanda cathartica); bark, leaves, fruit, seeds, sap; plant contains cathartic toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. CANDLEBERRY, CANDLENUT (Aleurites molluccana); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins and toxalbumins. Cannabis sativa (MARIJUANA); leaves, flower bracts; plant contains the hallucinogens tetrahydro-cannabinols. CARDINAL FLOWER (Lobelia spp.); leaves, stems, fruit; nervous system affected by the toxin pyridine; plant also causes dermatitis. Carduus sp. (PLUMELESS THISTLE); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CARELESS WEED (Amaranthus hybridus); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CAROLINA ALLSPICE (Calycanthus spp.); seeds; cardiovascular and nervous systems affected by plant toxins. CASSAVA (Manihot esculenta); leaves, esp. roots; plant is cyanogenetic. Cassia spp. (COFFEE SENNA, GOLDEN SHOWER, INDIGO, SENNA, SICKLE POD); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. CASTOR BEAN (Ricinus communis); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins; plant also causes dermatitis. CATCLAW (Acacia greggi); foliage, plant is cyanogenetic. CELANDINE, CELANDINE POPPY (Chelidonium majus); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids chelidonine, chelerithrine, and protopine; plant also causes dermatitis. Celastrus scandens (BITTERSWEET); entire plant; plant is reputed to be toxic. Cephalanthus occidentalis (BUTTONBUSH); entire plant, esp. leaves; plant is reputed to be toxic. Cercocarpus montanus (MOUNTAIN-MAHOGANY); wilted leaves; plant is cyanogenetic. Cestrum spp. (DAY-BLOOMING JESSAMINE, JASMINE, NIGHT-BLOOMING JESSAMINE); fruit, sap; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids; nervous system affected by atropine-like toxins. CHEESEWEED (Malva parviflora); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Chelidonium majus (CELANDINE, CELANDINE POPPY); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids chelidonine, chelerithrine, and protopine; plant also causes dermatitis. Chenopodium spp. (GOOSEFOOT, LAMB'S QUARTERS, PIGWEED, WORMSEED); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CHERRIES (Prunus spp.); kernels in pits; plant is cyanogenetic. CHERRY LAUREL (Prunus sp.); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic. CHICKWEED (Stellaria media); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CHINABERRY TREE (Melia azedarach); fruit, bark; plant contains convulsants. CHINESE LANTERN (Physalis spp.); unripe berries; gastrointestinal tract affect by solanine glycoalkaloids. CHIVES (Allium spp.); bulbs, bulblets, flowers, stems; toxins affect gastrointestinal tract; plant also causes dermatitis. CHRISTMAS-BERRY (Heteromeles artbutifolia); leaves; plant is cyanogenetic. CHRISTMAS ROSE (Helleborus niger); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by the cardiac glycosides helleborin and helleborein; plant also causes dermatitis. Cicuta spp. (WATER HEMLOCK); entire plant, esp. roots; nervous system affected by the convulsant cicutoxin. Cirsium arvense (CANADA THISTLE); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Claviceps spp. (ERGOT); an ascomycetous fungus which grows on small grain (e.g., rye); also contains the alkaloid indole. Clematis spp. (CLEMATIS, TRAVELLER'S JOY, VIRGIN'S BOWER); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by plant toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. Cleome serrulata (ROCKY MT. BEE PLANT); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CLIMBING LILY (Gloriosa spp.); entire plant, esp. tubers; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin colchicine. CLOVERS (Trifolium spp.); plant causes photosensitization and contact dermatitis (also see WHITE CLOVER). COAL-OIL BRUSH (Teradymia glabrata); leaves; plant is hepatogenic. COAST GOLDENBUSH (Haplopappus venetus); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. COCKLEBUR (Xanthium orientate); leaves at sprouted two-leaf stage, germinating seeds; plant contains hydroquinone; also causes dermatitis. COFFEE SENNA (Cassia occidentalis); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. COFFEEWEED (Sesbania spp.); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. Colchicum autumnale (AUTUMN CROCUS, MEADOW SAFFRON); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin colchicine and other alkaloids; plant also causes dermatitis. Colocasia esculenta (ELEPHANT'S EAR, TARO); leaves; mouth irritated by plant raphides. COLUMBINE (Aquilegia vulgaris); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by plant toxins. COMMON LANTANA (Lantana camara); immature berries; nervous system affected by the atropine-like toxin lantodene; plant is also hepatogenic. COMMON PRIVET (Ligustrum vulgare); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the glycoside ligustrin. COMMON VETCH (Vicia sativa); seeds, moldy parts; plant is cyanogenetic; plant also causes photosensitization. Conium maculatum (HEMLOCK, POISON HEMLOCK); entire plant, esp. roots and seeds; nervous system affected by alkaloids including coniine, coniceine, and conidrine; may contain toxic levels of nitrates; plant also causes dermatitis. Convallaria majalis (LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by the glycosides convallarin and convallamarin. COONTIE (Zamia pumila); roots, trunk; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by plant toxins. COPPERWEED (Oxytenia acerosa); leaves; toxic principle unknown. CORAL PLANT (Jatropha multifida); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins and cathartic oils; plant also causes dermatitis. Coriaria myrtifolia (no trivial name in U.S.); fruit; plant contains convulsants. CORNCOCKLE (Agrostemma githago); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. Corydalis spp. (FITWEED); entire plant; plant contains convulsants including isoquinoline. Corynocarpus laevigatus (no trivial [common] name in U.S.);fruit; plant contains convulsants. COWCOCKLE (Saponaria vaccaria); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. COWSLIP (Caltha palustris); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin protoanemonin; plant also causes dermatitis. COYOTILLO (Karawinskia humboldtiana); fruit; nervous system affected by plant toxins. CRAB'S EYE (Abrus precatorius); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. CREEPING CHARLIE (Glechoma hederacea); plant contains a variety of volatile oils. Crotalaria spp. (RATTLEBOX); entire plant; pyrrolizidine alkaloids cause hepatic veno-occlusive disease (Budd-Chiari syndrome) in humans. CROWFOOTS (Ranunculus spp.); gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by the toxin protoanemonin; plant also causes dermatitis. CROWNBEARD (Verbesina encelioides); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. CROWN FLOWERS (Calotropis spp.) entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by cardiac glycosides. Crytostegia spp. (RUBBER VINE, PURPLE ALLAMANDA); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by digitalis-like glycoside. CUCKOO-PINT (Arum maculatum); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. CULTIVATED RAPE (Brassica napus); plant is hepatogenic. CURCAS BEAN (Jatropha curcas); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins and cathartic oils; plant also causes dermatitis. Cypripedium spp. (LADY SLIPPER, MOCCASIN FLOWER, SHOWY LADY SLIPPER, YELLOW LADY SLIPPER); plant causes dermatitis. Cytisus scoparious (SCOTCH BROOM); seeds; plant contains quinolizidine alkaloid toxins. DAFFODIL (Narcissus spp.); bulbs; gastrointestinal tract affected by alkaloid toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. Daphne spp. (DAPHNE, MEZEREON, SPURGE LAUREL, WOOD LAUREL); entire plant, esp. fruit and seeds; gastrointestinal tract and kidneys affected by coumarin glycosides; plant also causes dermatitis. Datura stramonium (DEVIL'S TRUMPET, JIMSON WEED, THORNAPPLE); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine; may contain toxic levels of nitrates; plant also causes dermatitis. DAY-BLOOMING JESSAMINE (Cestrum diurnum); fruit, sap; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids; nervous system affected by atropine-like toxins. DEADLY NIGHTSHADE (Atropa belladonna); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids jasciamine, atropine, and belladonnin. DEATH CAMAS (Zigadenus spp.); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by alkaloid toxins. Delphinium spp. (LARKSPUR); cardiovascular system affected by alkaloids including delphinine; plant also causes dermatitis. DESERT ROSE (Adenium spp.); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by digitalis-like glycosides. DEVIL'S CLUB (Echinopanax horridum); plant causes dermatitis. DEVIL'S TRUMPET (Datura stramonium); entire plant; nervous system affected by the alkaloids atropine, scopolamine, and hyoscyamine; may contain toxic levels of nitrates; plant also causes dermatitis. DEVIL'S TURNIP (Bryonia dioica); gastrointestinal tract affected by the glycosides bryonin and bryonidin; plant also causes dermatitis. Dicentra spp. (BLEEDING HEART, DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES, GOLDEN EAR-DROPS, SQUIRREL CORN, STAGGER WEED, STEER'S HEAD); entire plant, esp. bulbs; plant contains convulsants including isoquinoline; plant also causes dermatitis. Dieffenbachia spp. (DUMBCANE); leaves; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. Digitalis purpurea (FOXGLOVE, PURPLE FOXGLOVE); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by the glycosides digitalin and digitoxin; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. Dionaea sp. (VENUS FLYTRAP); entire plant. DOCKS (Rumex spp.); leaves; plant contains soluble oxalates and may contain toxic levels of nitrates: plant also causes dermatitis. DOGBANE (Apocynum cannabinum); plant contains cardiac glycosides. DOG HOBBLE (Leucothoe spp.); leaves, nectar; cardiovascular and nervous systems affected by plant toxins. DOLL'S EYES (Actaea spp.); foliage, berries, roots; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by the toxin protoanemonin. DUMBCANE (Dieffenbachia spp.); leaves; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. DUTCHMAN'S BREECHES (Dicentra cucullaria); entire plant, esp. bulbs; plant contains convulsants including isoquinoline; plant also causes dermatitis. EAGLE FERN (Pteridium sp.); fronds; plant contains thiaminase. Echinochloa crusgalli (BARNYARD GRASS); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Echinopanax horridum (DEVIL'S CLUB); plant causes dermatitis. Echium vulgare (VIPER'S BUGLOSS); entire plant; pyrrolizidine alkaloid causes hepatic veno-occlusive disease (Budd-Chiari syndrome) in humans. ELDERBERRY (Sambucus spp.); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic and may contain toxic levels of nitrates. ELEPHANT'S EAR (Alocasia sp., Colocasia esculenta); leaves, stems; mouth irritated by plant raphides. ENGLISH IVY (Hedera helix); berries, leaves; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins; plant also causes dermatitis. Equisetum spp. (FOXTAILS, HORSETAILS, SCOURING RUSH); stems; toxic principles uncertain; fungus growing on plant may cause toxicity. ERGOT (Claviceps spp.); an ascomycetous fungus which grows on small grain (e.g., rye); also contains the alkaloid indole. Eriobotrya japonica (LOQUAT, JAPAN PLUM); kernel in pit; plant is cyanogenetic. Euonymus spp. (BURNING BUSH, SPINDLE TREE, STRAWBERRY BUSH, WAHOO); fruit; cardiovascular system affected by the glycosides evobioside, evomonoside, and evonoside. Eupatorium spp. (JOE-PYE WEED, THOROUGHWORT, WHITE SNAKEROOT); leaves; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Euphorbia spp. (EUPHORBIA, MILK BUSH, POINSETTIA, SNOW-ON-THE-MOUNTAIN, SPURGES); latex; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin euphorbin; may contain toxic levels of nitrates; plant also causes dermatitis. EUROPEAN BEECH (Fagus sylvatica); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. EUROPEAN MISTLETOE (Viscum album); leaves, stems; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins. Fagopyrum spp. (BUCKWHEAT, INDIA WHEAT); plant causes photosensitization and contact dermatitis. Fagus sylvatica (EUROPEAN BEECH); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. FALSE HELLEBORE (Veratrum spp.); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by alkaloid toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. FALSE JESSAMINE (Gelsemium sempervirens); leaves, roots; plant contains convulsants including indole; plant also causes dermatitis. FALSE SAGO PALM (Zamia pumila); trunk, roots; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by plant toxins. FANWEED (Thlaspi arvensi); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by mustard oil. FESCUE, TALL (Festuca arundinacea); considered nontoxic unless contaminated with ERGOT (Claviceps sp.) or other fungi. Festuca arundinacea (FESCUE, TALL); considered nontoxic unless contaminated with ERGOT (Claviceps sp.) or other fungi. FETTERBUSH (Pieris spp.); leaves, nectar; cardiovascular and nervous systems affected by plant toxins. FIDDLENECK (Amsinckia intermedia); seed-like nutlets; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. FIREBALL (Kochia scoparia; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. FITWEED (Corydalis spp.); entire plant; plant contains convulsants including isoquinoline. FLAG (Iris spp.); rootstocks; toxins affect gastrointestinal tract; plant also causes dermatitis. FLAX (Linum usitatissimus); entire plant, esp. immature seed pods; plant is cyanogenetic and goitrogenic; may contain toxic levels of nitrates. Florensia cernua (BLACK BRUSH, TARBUSH); fruit; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins. Florestina tripteris (FLORESTINA); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic. FLORIDA ARROWROOT (Zamia pumila); trunk, roots; gastrointestinal tract and nervous system affected by plant toxins. FLY-POISON (Amianthemum muscaetoxicum); leaves, underground parts of plant; alkaloids cause respiratory failure. FOOL'S PARSLEY (Aethusa cynapium); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by alkaloid toxins. FOUR O'CLOCK (Mirabilis sp.); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by the alkaloid trigonelline. FOWL MANNAGRASS (Glyceria striate); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic. FOXGLOVE (Digitalis purpurea); entire plant; cardiovascular system affected by the glycosides digitalin and digitoxin; gastrointestinal tract affected by saponins. FOXTAILS (Equisetum spp.); stems; toxic principles uncertain; fungus growing on plant may cause toxicity. FRIJOLITO (Sophora secundiflora); seeds; nervous system affected by nicotine-like, quinolizidine alkaloids. Fritillaria meleagris (SNAKE'S HEAD BULB); cardiovascular system affected by alkaloid toxins. Galanthus nivalis (SNOWDROP); gastrointestinal tract affected by the alkaloids lycorine and galantamine. GARLIC (Allium spp.); bulbs, bulblets, flowers, stems; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins. Gelsemium sempervirens (FALSE JESSAMINE, YELLOW JESSAMINE); flowers, leaves, roots; plant contains convulsants including indole; plant also causes dermatitis. GILL-OVER-THE-GROUND (Glechoma hederacea); plant contains a variety of volatile oils. Glechoma hederacea (CREEPING CHARLIE, GILLOVER-THE-GROUND, GROUND IVY); plant contains a variety of volatile oils. Gloriosa spp. (CLIMBING LILY, GLORIOSA LILY, GLORY LILY); entire plant, esp. tubers; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin colchicine. GLORY LILY (Gloriosa spp.); entire plant, esp. tubers; gastrointestinal tract affected by the toxin colchicine. Glyceria striata (FOWL MANNAGRASS); entire plant; plant is cyanogenetic. Glycine max (SOYBEAN); plant is goitrogenic and may contain toxic levels of nitrates. GOATHEAD (Tribulus terrestris); plant is hepatogenic and may contain toxic levels of nitrates. GOAT WEED (Hypericum perforatum); entire plant; plant causes photosensitization and contact dermatitis. GOLDENCHAINTREE (Laburnum x watereri); entire plant, esp. seeds; nervous system affected by the alkaloid cytisine. GOLDEN EAR-DROPS (Dicentra chrysantha); entire plant, esp. bulbs; plant contains convulsants including isoquinoline; plant also causes dermatitis. GOLDENRODS (Aplopappus spp.); leaves; plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. GOLDEN SHOWER (Cassia fistula); pulp of pods, leaves, bark; plant contains cathartic toxins. GOLDEN TRUMPET VINE (Allamanda cathartica); bark, leaves, fruit, seeds, sap; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; plant also causes dermatitis. GOLDENWEEDS (Oonopsis spp.); entire plant; plant may absorb toxic levels of selenium. GOOSEFOOT (Chenopodium glaucum); plant may contain toxic levels of nitrates. GOOSEGRASS (Triglochin maritima); leaves; plant is cyanogenetic. GOUT STALK (Jatropha podagrica); seeds; gastrointestinal tract affected by toxalbumins and cathartic oils; plant also causes dermatitis. GREASEWOOD (Sarcobatus vermiculatus); plant contains soluble oxalates; also causes dermatitis. GREEN DRAGON (Arisaema dracontium); entire plant; gastrointestinal tract affected by plant toxins; mouth irritated by plant raphides; plant also causes dermatitis. GROUND CHERRY (Physalis spp.); unripe berries; gastrointestinal tract affected by solanine glycoalkaloids. GROUND IVY (Glechoma hederacea); plant contains a variety of volatile oils. GROUNDSEL (Senecio spp.); entire plant; pyrrolizidine alkaloid causes hepatic veno-occlusive disease (Budd-Chiari syndrome) in humans. GUAJILLO (Acacia berlandieri); foliage; plant is cyanogenetic. Gymnocladus dioicus (KENTUCKY COFFEE TREE); seeds; nervous system affected by nicotine-like toxins. The following footnotes are not contained in the Barnard book but I felt they might be helpful to readers. 1. raphe: the ridge or line on a seed where it attaches to the ovule wall. 2. aril: flesh, often brightly colored, cover of seed 3. Tung: tung oil, commonly found in paints, stains, and finishes, is also toxic and such preparations should not be used in animal enclosures Kingsbury, J. M. 1964. Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Lampe, K.F. and McCann, M.A. 1985. American Medical Association Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants. Am. Med. Assoc., Chicago, IL. Muenscher, W. C. 1970. Poisonous Plants of the United States. The MacMillan Company, New York. Ruhr, L. P. 1986. Ornamental toxic plants. In: Current Veterinary Therapy IX: Small Animal Practice. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 216-220. |
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