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Green Iguana Bibliography and Suggested ReadingMelissa Kaplan
Why a bibliography? One way to find new sources of information is to read the bibliography or list of references or literature citations that appear at the end of articles or in books. These can lead you to many interesting articles and journals you may never otherwise have picked up. The articles and books listed here represent some of the major sources I have used in terms of the information I found in them. I encourage others to read what I have and see if you come to the same conclusions or have new ideas to share from your readings. Some of these books may be found in regular bookstores. Other books may be found at stores selling reptiles and supplies. Many can be ordered from mail order booksellers specializing in natural history, veterinary medicine, and herpetology. Articles may be found in libraries or copies obtained from the publisher or author. You may be able to find copies of the physiology, biology and other journals at your local university or hospital libraries; you may not check them out, but you generally will be able to make photocopies of the articles while you are there. Books and articles I highly recommend for those interested in learning more about iguanas in general, or reptilian biology and physiology, are marked with an asterisk (*).
Alberts, A. (1994) Ultraviolet light and lizards: More than meets the eye. The Vivarium, 5(4):24-25. Allen, M.E., Oftedal, O.T., Baer, D.J., and Werner, D.I. (1989) Nutritional studies with the green iguana. In, Proceedings of the Eighth Dr. Scholl Conference on Nutrition of Captive Wild Animals, pp. 73-81. Lincoln Zoological Gardens, Chicago, IL. Arluke, A. (1990) The significance of seeking the animal's perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13(1):13-14. Anderson, N.L. (1991) Husbandry and Clinical Evaluation of Iguana iguana. The Compendium 13(8):1265. Ball, J.C. (1995) A Comparison of the UV-B Irradiance of Low-Intensity, Full-Spectrum Lamps With Natural Sunlight. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, 30(4):69-71. * Barten, S.L. (1993) The Medical Care of Iguanas and Other Common Pet Lizards. Exotic Pet Medicine 23(6):1213. Barten, S.L. (1996) Lizards. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery. D. M. Mader, DVM (Ed.) WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA, pp. 47-61. Bernard, J.S., O.T. Oftendal, et al. (1991.) The response of vitamin D deficient green iguanas (Iguana iguana) to artificial ultraviolet light. Proc Am Vet 1991:147-150. * Blair, D. (1993) Green Iguanas. Reptiles 1(1). ______ (1995) Green iguanas: Emerald gems of the jungle. Iguana Times 4(3):41-47. Boyer, T.H. (1991) Common Problems and Treatment of Green Iguanas. Bulletin of the ARAV 1(1):8. _____ (1991) Green Iguana Care. Bulletin of the ARAV 1(1):12 _____ (1994) Emergency Care of Reptiles. In, Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine, 3(4):210-216. A.M. Fudge, DVM and J. Jenkins, DVM, eds. W.B. Saunders Company, Orlando FL. _____ (1996) Metabolic Bone Disease. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery. D. M. Mader, Ed. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA, pp. 385-392. * Britton, A. (1999) Animal Protein Issues. Also available at http://milagros.net/caiman/animalpr.htm * Burghardt, G.M., A.S. Rand, eds. (1982) Iguanas of the World: Their Behavior, Ecology and Conservation. Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. Camin, J.H. Observations on the life history and sensory behavior of the snake mite. Chicago Academy of Sciences, Special Publications No. 10. As reprinted in Georgia Herpnotes, 13(2):6. * Carpenter, C. C. (1982) The aggressive displays of iguanine lizards. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.). Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 215-231. Dawkins, M.S. From an animal's point of view: Motivation, fitness and animal welfare. Behavior and Brain Science, 13(1):1-5. DeNardo, D. (1995) Dystocias. In Mader, D. (Ed.), Reptile Medicine and Surgery. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 370-374. De Roy, T. (1995) Where vulcan lizards prosper. Natural History 104(1):28. De Vosjoli, P. (1992) The Green Iguana Manual. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside CA: DiSilvestro, R.L. (1992) Rebirth of Nature. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. 288 pg. * Distel, H. and Veazey, J. (1982) The behavioral inventory of the green iguana, Iguana iguana. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 252-270. * Donoghue, S. (1994) Growth of juvenile green iguanas (Iguana iguana) fed four diets. Journal of Nutrition 124:2626S-26269S. _____. 1995. Clinical nutrition of reptiles and amphibians. Proceedings ARAV, October 27-29, 1995. Sacramento, CA. pp 16-37. ____. 1995. Nutrition support. Proceedings ARAV, October 27-29, 1995. Sacramento, CA. pp. 43-49 ____ and Dzanis, D. A. 1995. Evaluating commercial diets. Proceedings ARAV, October 27-29, 1995. Sacramento, CA. pp 74-79. _____ and Langenberg, J. (1996) Nutrition. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery. D. M. Mader, DVM (Ed.) WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA, pp. 148-174. * Drummund, H. and Burghardt, G.M. (1982) Orientation in dispersing hatchling green iguanas, Iguana iguana. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 271-291. * Dugan, B. (1982) The mating behavior of the green iguana, Iguana iguana. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJm pp. 320-340. Duncan, I.J.H.: (1993) The science of animal well-being. USDA National Agricultural Library, Animal Welfare Information Center 4(1):1, 4-7. Fitch, H.S., Henderson, R. W., Hillis, D. M. (1982) Exploitation of iguanas in Central America. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 397-417. Frye, F. L. (1991) Reptile Care: An Atlas of Diseases and Treatments. Neptune City NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Two volumes. _____. (1995). Salmonellosis in pet reptiles and their owners. Reptiles 3(1):26-40. _____, D.R. Mader and B.V. Centofanti. (1991.) Interspecific (Lizard:Human) Sexual Aggression in Captive Iguanas (Iguana iguana). Bulletin of the ARAV 1(1):4 _____ and W. Townsend. (1993) Iguanas: A Guide to their Biology and Captive Care. Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, FL. (The new edition is by Frye only.) Gehrmann, W.H. (1992) No UV-B from Tungsten Filament Incandescent Lamps. Bulletin of the ARAV 2(2):5 _____ (1996) Lighting. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery. Douglas Mader, ed. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA. _____ (1997) Reptile Lighting: A current perspective. The Viviarum, 8(2):44-45, 62 Gibson, M. (1994) Let's Get Real: Using live animals in wildlife education. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation, 17(2):11-13,18. * Harris, D. M. (1982) The phenology, growth, and survival of the Green Iguana, Iguana iguana, in Northern Columbia. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 150-161. * Hatfield, J. W. (1996) Green Iguana: The Ultimate Owner's Manual. Dunthorpe Press, Portland OR. 644 p. * Hayes, W. K. (1995) What do wild green iguanas eat? Iguana Times 4(3):48-49. Heatwole, H.F. and J. Taylor. (1987) Ecology of Reptiles. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Limited, Chipping Norton, Australia. * Hurty, CA, Diaz DE, Campbell JL, Lewbart GA. 2001. Chemical Analysis of Six Commercial Adult Iguana, Iguana iguana, Diets. Journal of Herpetological Medicine & Surgery, 2001, 11(3):23-26 * Iverson, J.B. (1982) Adaptations to Herbivory in Iguanine Lizards. In, Iguanas of the World: Their Behavior, Ecology and Conservation. G.M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.). Noyes Publishing, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 60-76 [Excerpt]. * Jacobson, E.R. (ed.) (2003) Biology, Husbandry, and medicine of the Green Iguana. Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar FL, 177 p. Jenkins, J.R. (undated) The Green Iguana: Diseases, Medicine and Surgery. Client Handout. Kaplan, M. (1995) The Care, Feeding and Socialization of the Green Iguana. The Reptilian 3(9):11. [Excerpted from Iguana Care, Feeding & Socialization] ______ (1995) Aggression in Iguanas. The Reptilian 3(9):43. [Excerpted from Iguana Care, Feeding & Socialization] *______ and R. Jereb (1995) Stomatitis in Reptiles. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation, 18(2):13. ______ (1997) Reptile Rehabilitation. The Biology Husbandry, and Health Care of Reptiles. Lowell Ackerman, DVM, ed. TFH Publishing, Neptune City, NJ, Vol. III, pp. 898-941. *_______ (1997) The Use of Reptiles in Public Education. The Biology Husbandry, and Health Care of Reptiles. Lowell Ackerman, DVM, ed. TFH Publishing, Neptune City, NJ, Vol. II, pp. 272-288. *______ (2000) Iguanas for Dummies. (IDG Books). John Wiley & Sons, Indianapolis, IN, 337 p. Klingenberg, R. J. (1993, 1997) Understanding Reptile Parasites. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, CA. * Kreger, M.D. (1993) The psychological well-being of reptiles. Humane Innovations and Alternatives, pp. 519-523. * _____ (1993) Zoo-Academic Collaborations: Physiological and psychological needs of reptiles and amphibians. Herpetologica, 49, pp. 509-512. * _____ and Mench, J.A.: (1993) Physiological and behavioral effects of handling and restraint in the ball python (Python regius) and the blue-tongued skink (Tiliqua scincoides). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 38, pp. 323-336. Laule, G. (1993) Using training to enhance animal care and welfare. AWIC 4(1):2, 8-9. ______ (1993) The use of behavioral management techniques to reduce or eliminate abnormal behavior. AWIC 4(4):1-2, 8-11. Martins, E. (1994) Structural complexity in a lizard communication system: the Sceloporus gracisosus "push-up" display. Copeia 4, p. 994-955. * McBee, R. H. and McBee, V. H. (1982) The hindgut fermentation in the green iguana, Iguana iguana. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 77-83. McKeown, S. (1996) General Husbandry and Management. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery. D. M. Mader, Ed. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA, pp 9-19. MacDonald. R. (1994) Ecology and life history of Iguana iguana. Notes from NOAH 12(2):2. Mader, D. (1993) Use of calcitonin in green iguanas, Iguana iguana, with metabolic bone disease. Bulletin of the ARAV, 3(1):5. _____ (1993) Common Reptilian Bacteria: What are they and what is their significance. The Viviarium 4(6):27-29. _____ (1995) Neutering Male Iguanas. Reptiles 3(4):72-75. _____ (1996) Gout. In, Reptile Medicine and Surgery. D. M. Mader, Ed. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA, pp. 374-379. * _____ , and Geoff Stein, eds. (1996) Reptile Medicine and Surgery. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia PA. Nagy, K. A. Nagy, K. A. (1982) Energy requirements in free-living iguanid lizards. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 49-59. Pough, F. Harvey. 1992. Recommendations for the Care of Amphibians and Reptiles in Academic Institutions. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. Prezant, R. (1996) Green iguana nutrition and care. Reptiles 4(12):40-47. Prior, Karen. 1985. Don't Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training. Bantam Books, NY. 1999 Revised Edition: 244 pg. * Rand, A. S. and Green, H. W. (1982) Latitude and climate in the phenology of reproduction in the green iguana, Iguana iguana. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 142-150. ____, Dugan BA, Monteza H, and Vianda D. (1990) The Diet of a Generalized Folivore:Iguana iguana in Panama. Journal of Herpetology, 24(2):211-214. Reichard, T.; Shellabarger, W; Laule, G. (1992) Training for husbandry and medical purposes. AAZPA Annual Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Canada. Wheeling, WV, pp. 396-402. Rodda, G. H. (1994) Book Review: Iguanas: A Guide to their Biology and Captive Care, by Frye and Townsend. Iguana Times 2(3):2. * _____ (1993) The Mating Behavior of Iguana iguana (Part 1). Iguana Times 2(2):2. _____ (1991) Sexing Iguana iguana. Bull. Chicago Herp. Soc. 26(8):173. Rosenfeld, A. (1987) Exotic Pets. Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York NY, 295 p. * Rossi, J. (1998) What's Wrong with My Iguana? Herpetocultural Library, Advanced Vivarium Systems, Escondido, CA, 74 p. Schaeffer, D.O.; Kleinow, K.M.; Krulisch, L. (1992) The Care and Use of Amphibians, Reptiles and Fish in Research. Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, Bethesda, MD, 196 pp. Sprackland, R.G. (1992) Giant Lizards. Neptune City NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Stahl, S.J. (1995) Bacterial diseases. Journal of the League of Florida Herpetological Societies, May 1995, pp. 17-19. Bean Sprouts. (1995). University of California at Berkeley School of Public Health Wellness Letter 12(1):1. Up for Discussion: Ethics & Resources. 1998. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation 21(3-4):31-33. * Van Devender, R. W. (1982) Growth and ecology of spiny-tailed and green iguanas in Costa Rica, with comments on the evolution of herbivory and large body size. In, Iguanas of the World: Their behavior, ecology and conservation. G. M. Burghardt and A.S. Rand (eds.) Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ, pp. 162-183. van Marken Lichtenbelt, W. (1993) Optimal Foraging of a Herbivorous Lizard, the Green Iguana in a Seasonal Environment. cologia 95:246-256 * Warwick, C. (1990) Reptilian ethology in captivity: Observations of some problems and an evaluation of their aetiology. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 26, pp. 1-13. * _____ (1990) Important ethological and other considerations of the study and maintenance of reptiles in captivity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 27, pp. 363-366. * _____. (1990) Observations on disease-associated preferred body temperatures in reptiles. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 28 (1991) 375-380 Werner, D. (1991) The Rational Use of Green Iguana. In, Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation. J. G. Robinson and K. H. Redford (eds.). University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL, pp. 181-201. Wise, P.A. (1996). Understanding your pet's behavior (Learn why your reptiles may not always behave in a predictable fashion). Reptiles 4(1):100-107. Wissman, M. and B. Parsons. (1994) Case Report: Hypocalcemia in a green iguana. Reptiles 2(1):8. * Zimmerman, L.C. and Tracy, C.R. (1989) Interactions between the environment and ectothermy and herbivory in reptiles. Physiological Zoology, 62(2):374. |
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