close-up of Mike's head a few days later as the
'frosting' on his face is now more advanced as he
proceeds to his next shed. For those who aren't
used to Cyclura eyes, the reddish-orange
sclera is their normal color. When he gets into
raging dominance mode, or raging ticked off mode,
the color intensifies.
and Sidney
Sidney is
my goddog. In one of those twists that life likes
to throw us, when I got sick in 1990, one of the
things that altered was my react to mammalian proteins.
The result was that I could not be around dogs,
cats and other mammals (at least, those that groomed
themselves and spewed aerosolized proteins into
the environment I came into contact with). That
meant that not only could I keep dogs and cats,
I could no longer work with them (not that I could
keep working, anyway), or go into pet stores that
sold them, or stores where there was a resident
dog or cat. It also meant I could not spend time
with friends who had dogs and cats.
a result, when my friend Karen and her husband adopted
a Dobermann puppy from the local animal shelter,
I couldn't meet him. I was already severely limited
in visiting their house anyway, because of the third
member of the household, Jack the cat. Those who
know my love of animals, and who share the visceral
need to interact with them on a regular basis as
an important quality-of-life factor will understand
how thrilled I was when, after my first six months
of treatment for borreliosis and babesiosis, I could
be around dogs and cats again!
course, that also meant that for the first time
since I've had him, it meant that large furred creatures
were going to be a part of Mikey's life, too.
who is as highly socialized as Mike, and is very
well obedience trained, is a near constant companion
of Karen's when she's not at work. That means he
is usually in the car when Karen and I do anything
together, or when she comes over here. Which means
that Mikey has to put up with Sidney raiding the
feeding stations here, and riding in the car with
him when the four of us do stuff together.
familiar with Iguana Stink Eye needs only to know
that Cyclura iguanas are as adept as green
iguanas at delivering a withering Stink Eye.
funny thing is that when Sidney is on his own with
his human mom or godmom, people fall all over themselves
to talk to his humans and ask to pet him, and remark
about what a big, beautiful boy he his. But when
we add Mikey to the mix, well, it's like no one
sees Sidney - all they see is Mike.
following pictures are from a recent visit to Karen
and Sidney's home. Since the remaining bit of "indestructible"
Kong® didn't do much to provide scale, Karen
stuck a wine bottle on the floor to better give
a sense of the relative size difference between
the 110 pound larger-than-breed-standard Sidney,
and 21 pound, 50" STL Mikey.

and His Baths
loves the bathtub, filled so that he can relax sprawled
out with his nostrils above water. As you can see
from the following photos, both taken in the same
tub, he can no longer share his baths with anyone
- not, you understand, that he would actually want

Rugwort on the left, who was ~14 years old, stunted
from early poor care to 13" SVL. That little
lizard on the right is Mikey, a few months after
his arrival.

bit of a change, wouldn't you say? (Sept 2005)
baths, just close-ups...

Face That Launched 1000 Psychoses (Feb 2006)

this make my nose look big? (Feb 2006)

he a handsome fella?